Recommended Reading
Below are a small selection of titles I recommend to clients. Click the book covers for links to the titles on
 | A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction
by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murraay Silverstein,
Oxford Press 1977. |
 | The Timeless Way of Building
by Christopher Alexander
Oxford Press 1979. |
 | Patterns of Home : The Ten Essentials of Enduring Design by Max Jacobson, Murray Silverstein, Barbara Winslow,
The Taunten Press, 2002. |
 | The Not So Big House: A Blueprint for the Way We Really Live
by Sarah Susanka,
The Taunten Press, 2001. |
 | Creating the Not So Big House: Insights and Ideas for the New American Home
by Sarah Susanka, Grey Crawford
The Taunten Press, 2002. |
 | Creating a New Old House: Yesterday’s Character for Today’s Home
by Russell Versaci
The Taunten Press, 2003. |
 | Serious Straw Bale: A Home Construction Guide for All Climates
by Paul Lacinski, Michel Bergeron Chelsea
Green Publishing Co., 2000. |
 | More Straw Bale Building : A Complete Guide to Designing and Building with Straw
by Chris Magwood, Peter Mack
New Society Publishers, 2005 |
 | Garage: Reinventing the Place We Park
by Kira Obolensky
The Taunten Press, 2001. |
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